Chapter 1: The God of Death Has a Few Demands

She dropped her keys on her dresser and flicked on the fan. It whirred to life, temporarily circulating hot air while she worked to open the windows. Once she unlatched the last one, she breathed a sigh of relief. At least on the hilltops, where her family lived, there was a bit more of a breeze. She peeled off her work shirt and tossed it into the laundry.

At last, a moment’s peace!

“We still need to go to the cemetery. This culling day was of particular importance to ancient Selvadoradian calendar and—” Ben started.

“For love of llamas Ben, we’re not going to the freaking cemetery!” Alice shouted just as there was a knock at her door.

“Alice, are you okay in there? It’s me, Mayra,” her sister called from outside the door. 

Alice groaned and put her face in her hands. She had been working the graveyard shift ever since Ben had taken to listing sims’ misdeeds and commenting on their purchases when they came to the checkout counter. It was easier to deal with at night when almost no one came by. But her body still hadn’t adjusted. Alice was exhausted, overheated, and the last thing she wanted to do was have a conversation with her sister.

Maybe if she didn’t answer, Mayra would just go away and forget she was even at home.

“Not likely,” Ben muttered, and Alice could almost see him rolling his eyes. 

The rapping sounded again. “Alice, I just heard you in there so I know you’re home. I need to talk to you,” Mayra continued.

“No rest for the weary,” Alice sighed and pulled on a tank top before letting her sister in.

“When you’re finished with this…whatever this is…we will be making our way towards the burial ground. Correct?” 

“Hush you,” Alice murmured.

Mayra gave her a quizzical look, “I didn’t say anything.”

“No, not you…” Alice paused. This was always the hardest part. As far as she could tell, no one could hear or see Ben but her. While the jury was still out her sanity, she figured it was best to keep this information to herself. Still, it was difficult to have an extra person that no one could see involved in every conversation and Alice couldn’t help but respond to Ben out loud. Talking to him in her head was just too confusing.

While the jury was still out her sanity, she figured it was best to keep this information to herself.

“It’s nothing. I’m…tired,” Alice finished lamely. “What do you need?”

Mayra looked suspicious but she didn’t pry. “Well, I’m leaving for Newcrest U on Friday and I was wondering if you’d drive up with mom and dad to help see me off,” she explained. “Maverick has duty on base and if you’re not there to run interference, dad will just get all emotional and mom will start demanding to see my professors’ credentials.”

Alice tried to hold back a laugh. She didn’t want to give her sister false hope. Their father, Cyrus, was very high up in the military…so high up that they had no idea what his job title was and only the vaguest notion of what he actually did. And yet, he loved romance novels and sappy movies and had been known to cry at greeting card commercials. Her little sister leaving home to study engineering 800 miles away? His tear ducts didn’t stand a chance.

Their mother, Valeria, was a well-regarded research scientist. It was her work that initially brought them to StrangerVille. She didn’t enjoy sappy movies but she did love reading fellow researchers the riot act whenever they insisted on clinging to outdated theories or models. Valeria Martin was probably relishing the opportunity to go toe-to-toe with Newcrest’s most senior professors. Alice bit the inside of her cheek.

She would not smile. She would not smile…

“I can see your smile! You know how bad it will be. Please, as my older sister, help me avoid this misery. Look. I even brought some flowers to brighten up your place and to…well…bribe you,” Mayra laughed, gesturing to a vase of flowers she set on Alice’s table. 

Alice wished, and not for the first time, that their brother Maverick was the eldest. At least if she were the middle child, Alice could shirk responsibility for her siblings with less guilt.

We don’t have time for this,” Ben cried. “Soon the sun will not be in the optimal position for receiving the reaper’s report!” He was beginning to grow agitated.

Alice could feel power building up inside of her. Small sparks shot from her fingers. She clenched her hands into fists to cover it. 

This was why she couldn’t be a good older sister.

It wasn’t just Ben rattling around in her head, it was his powers coming through her body and shooting out in uncontrollable bursts. Her head began to throb and she grasped the counter for support. 

She felt it then, a sort of tugging that seemed to split the air around her. Instantly, a gnawing hunger started in the pit of her stomach. 

“No,” Alice choked out.

“Whoa, Alice. Are you ok?” Mayra leaned forward with a concerned look on her face.

Alice shook her head, eyes squeezed shut. The air was almost suffocating. She could feel the tugging directed towards the flowers. She tried desperately to redirect it. 

“Alice, if you’ll just focus—”

Ben was starting with her now of all times?

“I said no!” Alice shouted.

Mayra reeled back as if Alice had slapped her.

There was a pulling sensation and suddenly, a sweet energy coursed through Alice’s veins. She opened her eyes and looked around. The flowers on the table were fine. Alice still felt jittery but her headache slowly subsiding. After a few seconds, she felt completely back to normal. Mayra stared at her as if she had sprung a second head. 

Alice tried to soften her tone. “I can’t take the time off from work.” 

And there it was, the lie that would push Mayra away. Taking time off from work was the only thing Alice could do with any ease. The part-time clerk at the Route 309 Convenience Store that hardly anyone visited and no one found convenient couldn’t take time off from work? Her sister knew it was bullshit and responded accordingly.

“Sometimes you are so full of it. You can just say that you don’t want to, Alice. You don’t have to lie,” Mayra replied frostily. 

“I…I…” Alice trailed off, unable to put together even a semblance of an apology.

How would she begin it? “Oh sorry, the ancient god who’s taken up residence in my body is needy asshole and he makes it impossible for me to be a good person?” No. There was nothing to say. Better Mayra didn’t get used to Alice being available.

“It’s fine,” Mayra said.

But it wasn’t. Alice turned away and lowered her eyes, the words stuck in her throat.

Mayra sighed and walked out.

Pages: 1 2 3


17 responses to “Chapter 1: The God of Death Has a Few Demands”

  1. Wow, what an awesome start!
    Love the concept, love the characters, love the writing. It’s already so much fun–can’t wait to see where things go! Poor Alice, carrying around a mouthy, bossy ancient god. At least it’s entertaining to read about. 😉

    1. Thank you! Haha, yeah I am having so much fun making her life a wee bit miserable!

  2. I’m really enjoying your story so far! I look forward to the next update 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I’m excited for the next few chapters to go up. They were a lot of fun to write.

  3. This is freakin’ fantastic—I love your style! Definitely going to follow this one.

    1. Omg thank you so much! I’m so glad you’re having as much fun reading it as I am writing it 🙂

  4. This had me giggling throughout. 😀 I love our main girl, and her unique problem. Looking forward to what’s next.

  5. Hey this seems sooooo cool! hes like an imaginary friend! But not. Interesting character… can’t wait to read more!

    1. Thank you! If imaginary friends had as much attitude as Ben we’d all be in trouble 👏👏👏😂😂😂

  6. Oh this is fantastic 😂 I’ve been meaning to check this story out, and I’ve got to say the introductory chapter was far more hilarious than I anticipated. I’m liking Alice already, although the god of death (and fertility, wine, rebirth and such 😆) tak3s the cake. I love that he goes by Ben. I can just tell this is going to be one hell of a ride! 😊

    1. Welcome! I’m glad you started reading. It is a totally bonkers insane ride hahaha and I just wanted someone to enjoy my jokes as much as I do. Oh Ben, he is a freaking character, just you wait…

  7. I love this. Your writing completely drew me in, and I was giggling over Ben’s antics for half the chapter. The other half was feeling incredibly bad for Alice and now I’m not sure if I like or dislike Ben. Of course, a powerful deity like him probably doesn’t have the faintest clue that he is completely ruining Alice’s life. Or at least, let’s hope he’s clueless about it.
    Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do but I’m eager to see where this story leads! =D

    1. Thank you and man, you are in for a ride! I’m curious to see whether Ben grows on you haha. He definitely makes Alice’s life…interesting.

      No, there’s no way an all-powerful deity is so selfish as to only think about themselves! ::cue evil author laughter::

  8. After 14 chapters of The Strauds, I am FINALLY making my way to The Original story.

    My biggest focus, other than the ghostly God of Death inner voice/sidekick is when Alice gets to the cemetery and mentions how easy the lock would be to pick. BUT JUST MENTIONS IT. Look, I know that The Strauds are based on BBD, but now I’m wondering if Alice has a penchant for breaking and entering, or if that was something that is new (in The Strauds) b/c she has the ability to pass through the cemetery. Sitting back and seeing what unfolds…

    Dang, first chapter and we get to see Alice’s sister (and read mention of a brother).

    Her parents must be really chill about their oldest child working part-time at a convenience store and living (behind) home, considering they’re both very successful in prestigious occupations. They’re either cool parents that care about their kids’ happiness, or they gave up and moved onto the next as their golden child. Considering that Alice showed symptoms of strange behavior in her her teens, it could really go in either direction. Also, this really sets an interesting premises on mental disorders. I know this is all supernatural, but on a deeper level this already seems to be a story about navigating mental illness.

    Awesome job, Ferosh. Looking forward to being a passenger on Alice’s journey, or stowaway, much like “Ben” (okay please tell me that his first name is actually Has…. Has Ben/Has Been….Okay showing myself out).

    1. Hahaha omg welcome! Whew you can see the evolution of my writing on this journey.

      Ummm, let’s just say Alice has always had a fast and loose relationship with the law. But also, uh, yeah, the god of death comes right some perks!

      Oh man I cannot wait for you to dive into the relationship with Alice and her family. You are identifying some of the tensions really early. But I’ll just say that it’s important to keep perspective in mind. Alice is reading everything from her POV, including her parents.

      Hehe stowaway.

      Hehe has been.

      Oh man, I cannot stop giggling.

      1. Perspective and POV is a fun tool to fuck around with when a character is narrating 😀 Looking forward to the journey 😀

  9. “I’m tired. I’m hot as fuck. And I don’t care what you want.” Honestly, such a mood.

    Oh god the horrors of being the oldest child.

    “Ben, the God of Banks” is giving me strong Eddie Izzard vibes. Jeff, the god of biscuits! Simon, the god of hairdos!

    I love this so far ❤️

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